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Understanding Ethics Procedures

All primary research at the National Design Academy requires prior ethical approval. To obtain ethical approval, please ensure that the study-appropriate procedures are followed.

Need help with your ethics approval application? Get in touch.


The National Design Academy requires that all research is subject to ethical consideration. If ethical approval is needed, all staff and students who wish to undertake research (academic or commercial) must obtain ethics approval prior to the commencement of research.

Primary data collection must not begin until the correct ethics approval procedures have been completed and written authorisation of the proposed study from the relevant ethics review panel has been obtained.

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It is important before beginning your Ethics procedures that you have read and understood the following pre-requisites. The files available here will be referenced throughout and assist greatly in the completion of your ethics approval process.

Guidance on Low Risk Research for UG and PG Students 

In line with University policy, UG/PG research (approved at a programme level) should be low risk. In exceptional circumstances, medium risk research can be approved after consultation with the National Design Academy Course Director. The National Design Academy will not approve students to undertake high risk research.

Framework for Identifying Low, Medium & High Ethical Risk for UG and PG Students 

This framework for identifying ethical risk sets out what is regarded as ‘more than minimal risk’ (low risk) in research ethics and provides guidance on what is regarded as medium and high risk. The list is not exhaustive nor prescriptive, and further guidance on the criteria can be sought from the National Design Academy Course Director, who may consult with university ethics advisors.

This framework for identifying ethical risk should be used in conjunction with the National Design Academy Formal Ethics Assessment and the DMU Research Ethics Code of Practice, and the relevant risk rating should be selected when submitting and reviewing an ethics application.

Statement on Retrospective Approval

In line with De Montfort University’s Code of Conduct (5.6) retrospective approval will not be granted for studies that have already been conducted or commenced. The National Design Academy will not take any responsibility for research that was conducted prior to approval of ethical application.

Retrospective approval can be defined as a researcher seeking ethical approval after they have completed part or all of their research. It is important that the correct workflow must be adhered to when submitting your ethics application, so please refer to the Ethics Application Checklist throughout the process.

The National Design Academy will not give retrospective ethical approval for studies which have already been conducted or have already commenced.

DMU Research Ethics Code of Practice

As an academic partner of De Montfort University, the National Design Academy has a responsibility to adhere to their research ethics code of practice. This means, as a partner student of the University, you must ensure you comply with this research ethics code of practice and that any research intentions you have within your course are approved by the National Design Academy before any research is undertaken.

The ethical code is provided collaboratively by the Academy and University to support students to meet the expectations of sound ethical practice and you should read it alongside other relevant and recommended Academy and University policies, procedures and advice.

The National Design Academy are responsible for processing research ethics applications for students studying with the Academy, and therefore request that the National Design Academy students follow the research ethics approval process as outlined on the Virtual Learning Studio (VLS). Your National Design Academy tutor should be your primary point of contact throughout this process. You should submit completed application forms and supporting information to your tutor via the VLS, not to the University.

All National Design Academy applications will be reviewed by National Design Academy tutors, who may consult with senior academic colleagues at the Academy before approval is granted (if applicable). Should further guidance from De Montfort University be required, your tutor will liaise with the University on your behalf.

Ethics Procedures Workflow for UG and PG Students

This Ethics Procedure Workflow provides you with a visual step by step guide to completing a research ethics application.

Ethics Pre-Screening Form

This form will help you to establish whether an application for research ethics approval is required. You should complete this form in collaboration with your tutor to ascertain if an ethics application is required.

This form should be completed and uploaded to the Virtual Learning Studio (VLS).

Formal Ethics Assessment

Formal Ethics Assessment

Formal Ethics Assessment Checklist

To ensure your research ethics application can be fully considered in a timely manner, it is important that you complete your Formal Ethics Assessment correctly and that is it accompanied by all relevant additional forms and supporting documents.

This Ethics Application Form Checklist will help to confirm that you have provided all the necessary information before uploading it to the Virtual Learning Studio. Please use it to track your progress and do contact your Tutor for support if you have any queries.

Supporting Templates, Documents & Resources

Participant Information Sheet

The Participant Information Sheet is given to potential participants with written information about the study. Its purpose is to help potential participants to decide whether they want to take part and to provide relevant details, including contact details.

The document we have provided below includes the Participant Information Sheet template builder, which you should adapt to suit your proposed study. It also provides guidance to you, as the researcher, which you should use when setting up the template. Once adapted, you should include the template as part of your ethics approval application.

Participant Consent Form

The Participant Consent Form is to record the participant’s decision to take part in the study. Not only does it document the participant giving permission to involve them in the research, but it is also an agreement between the researcher and the research participant outlining the roles and responsibilities they are taking towards one another throughout the whole of the research and data processing activities.

Parent or Guardian Consent Form

The Parent or Guardian Consent Form is to record the permission of parent(s) or guardian(s) for their child or ward to participate in the study. The National Design Academy recognises its statutory duty to safeguard children and vulnerable adults who may participate in any activity organised or managed by the National Design Academy. Therefore, it is a requirement of the National Design Academy ethics approval process that you evidence specific permission of parent(s) or guardian(s) with an approved consent form using the template below.

Not only does it document the parent(s) or guardian(s) giving permission to involve their child or ward in the research, but it is also an agreement between the researcher and the parent(s) or guardian(s) and the participant, outlining the roles and responsibilities they are taking towards each other throughout the whole of the research and data processing activities.

For the avoidance of doubt, for the purpose of safeguarding, children and vulnerable adults are defined as follows:

Child: A person under the age of 18. For the purpose of safeguarding, the fact that the child is living independently, or in further or higher education does not change their entitlement to protection.

Vulnerable Adult: A person over the age of 18 years who may be unable to protect themselves from abuse, harm or exploitation, which may be by reason of illness, age, mental illness, disability or other types of physical or mental impairment.

Community-based Participatory Research

Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is an approach that involves members of a community participating in the research and development of outcomes.

The document we have provided below provides guidance to you, as the researcher, on this type of research and the need to ensure strict systems are in place for robust and responsible ethical conduct.

A link to further guidance is provided.

COSHH Risk Assessment Form

Health and Safety Risk Assessment Form

The National Design Academy (NDA) recognises its duty to comply with health and safety regulations and strives to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all staff and students who may participate in any activity organised or managed by the National Design Academy, ensuring a healthy and safe working environment. This involves dedicated approaches to risk management and robust implementation of control arrangements in line with National Design Academy health and safety and risk management policy, and this extends to cover the National Design Academy ethics approval assessment.

The following document provides a Health and Safety Risk Assessment template, and it is a requirement of the National Design Academy ethics approval process that a Health and Safety Assessment is completed and approved before any research activities are started.

Your completed Health and Safety Risk Assessment must be submitted alongside your ethics approval application and must be strictly adhered to at all times.

UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Guidance for Researchers

Example Formal Ethics Assessment

How to Upload Your Ethics Approval Application to the Virtual Learning Studio Guide


Need help with your ethics approval application? Please reach out to your tutor via the Virtual Learning Studio (VLS). Alternatively, you can contact Degree Student Support at, and our advisors will gladly refer your query to a suitable member of the academic team for further assistance.

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