By Robin Birch Group Finance Director

It’s a while since I blogged,so I thought I’d share my creative side with you folks. I’m quite handy with working with wood and I hate wasting things. I think the posh term is ‘upcycling’.
Anyhow, a while back I made a free standing corner cabinet and here’s a couple of photo’s…. the pine door was from a demolition site and had been in my garage for some 15 years prior.

The half legs and rails were adapted from a friend’s broken pine table set.The sliding latch and keep are made from oak sills that came from the windows of my house when we installed double glazing.
The turned knob is in the shape of an acorn -linking back to the material.The finish is Farrow and Ball’s Estate Eggshell Mouse’s Back’ and ‘Strong White’. It came out quite well.
Have a lovely Easter/Royal Wedding break. Don’t forget the course work!