Case Study: Gemma Farr

Many years ago whilst reading a magazine I saw a small add for an interior design course and immediately I knew this course was something I had to do; being as I was fanatical about interior design! The course was a Professional Diploma in Interior Design from the National Design Academy. The fact I could study at home made it a feasible option for me so I was pleased to have come across this opportunity. I completed this course whilst I was pregnant for my second daughter. It was a challenge completing the assignments whilst being pregnant and looking after my other small daughter, in fact if my baby wasn’t two weeks overdue I would not have finished the course before she was born. That said I was learning about my passion and it made me feel alive to be following my dream of working in interior design.

Having gained my diploma I went on to work for Avon cosmetics for a while as the money was good and I enjoyed the work. Eight years on and bored with wondering the streets collecting Avon books I knew I wanted to do something else. That’s when for a second time I saw an ad from the NDA in a magazine advertising a home study degree course in interior design and I felt its calling again, so I enrolled.

I was over the moon to be on this course as I never thought studying at this level would be an option for me. The fees and practicalities of attending a conventional university were huge barriers preventing me even considering this route in the past. The flexibility of the course meant that I could study whenever I chose meaning I could enjoy plenty of quality time with my family. My personal tutor, a student forum and online resources were all on hand if I ever needed support. However I did not rely on this much as I found the course content quite self-explanatory and in most cases all I needed to do was research the given subjects.

Completing this course is one of the hardest yet most rewarding things I have ever done. I could never have imagined the depth of knowledge that would open up before me. I have learnt the skills to research, analyse and communicate my ideas; skills that I will take with me through the rest of my professional life. The assignment on Business Studies was very challenging but undoubtedly useful and very reassuring to learn. Although making time to study could be difficult if not frantic at times I really enjoyed the learning process and actually found it quite a relaxing experience most of the time. I engrossed myself in the research of magnificent palaces, dreamt up enchanting light schemes and fantasied about the one off rooms of my designs. It developed my creative skills, opened my eyes to the possibilities and helped me achieve more than I could ever imagine possible. Although I have gained a high academic achievement through completing this course I think what I have gained most is self belief, insight and ambition.

Whilst I was studying I often looked forward to the day when I had finished the course and I had some time to do other things. So it came as surprise to me that once I had finished the course I missed studying immensely, in fact I felt lost with out it. So during this period I have decided to create a blog called as a place to explore ideas and share inspiration with likeminded people.

Although I have no definite career path yet there is no doubt in my mind that by completing this course I have put myself on track to finding a job that I will be fulfilling and rewarding.

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