An NDA Royal Wedding celebration

It’s hard to resist the excitment of this Friday’s Royal wedding, everyone is getting ready to celebrate wheather it’s a street party, tea party or traditional afternoon tea watching the ceremony on the television.

The staff here at National Design Academy were certainly going to celebrate in true British style with a street-style tea party and all the old favourites everyone loves – especially the trifle!

Amongst the ham and cucumber sandwiches and Victoria sponge, our Instructual Designer Sara and Web Developer Lyn, made some exotic dishes to spice up the spread; Persian sweet, Pashmak, (like cotton candy) Kung Pow chickin and Tang Cu Paign (pork ribs).

All the food went down wellย  and it was a great way to get ready for Friday, so we wish you all a fantastic Royal Wedding weekend and hope your celebrations are wonderful!

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